In the exceptional circumstances caused by the Covid19 pandemic, no physical Annual General Meeting can be held this year. In order to meet the requirements of our constitution, a virtual AGM will be held on Thursday 11th June 2020, at 10.00 am. To make this manageable, the meeting will be restricted to the necessary quorum of 10 (4 trustees and 6 friends).
Friends wishing to participate online should inform the secretary by email or phone (details below) by Thursday 28 May.
Only adults who are Registered Patients at Tollerton, Stillington, Ampleforth and Millfield NHS G P Surgeries can be FoSMH Members.
The agenda will comprise only those items that our constitution requires:
- Minutes of previous meeting
- Annual report and accounts
- Re-election of trustees.
The Report and Accounts for 2019 are available only on the website.
Any urgent questions for consideration at the meeting should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary, Derek McLuckie by email at [email protected]
By order of the Executive Committee. 19 May 2020
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