
You can donate to the Friends in several ways:

Payment to our bank account

By Bank Transfer

  • Bank: Lloyds Bank
  • Account Name: The League of Friends of St Monicas Hospital
  • Sort Code: 30-99-50
  • Account Number: 76732160

By Cheque

Make the cheque out to ‘Friends of St. Monica’s Hospital’ and post to:

The Treasurer FOSMH, St. Monica’s Hospital, Long Street, Easingwold, York, YO61 3JD


You can use the JustGiving website to either donate to Friends of St Monica’s Hospital directly or set up a fundraiser on our behalf which you can share with friends – you won’t need to do anything else, any money raised will be sent directly to us by JustGiving.


If you wish to leave a gift in your will, the following wording may be of use but please ask your solicitor to help with any changes to your will.

Residuary bequests

“I give to the League of Friends of St Monica’s Hospital, Long Street, Easingwold YO61 3JD (Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered no. 1197052) (the “Charity”) ___ [enter the word ‘all’ or fractional share] of the residue of my estate for its general charitable purposes and I further direct that the receipt of the Charity’s Treasurer or other proper officer of the Charity for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors for the said legacy.’

Specific bequests

“I give to the League of Friends of St Monica’s Hospital, Long Street, Easingwold YO61 3JD (Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered no. 1197052) (the “Charity”), free of all tax the sum of £___ for its general charitable purposes and I further direct that the receipt of the Charity’s Treasurer or other proper officer of the Charity for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors for the said legacy.”