Funding for Pioneering Project

8th October 2024

Elderly lady washing vegetables in the sink
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

A pioneering Proactive Health and Care Clinic is being funded by the Friends of St Monica’s Hospital (FOSMH). The two-year project will benefit patients who are dealing with the consequences of frailty and provides a “one-stop shop” range of help covering several services.

Led by Dr John Morris of Millfield Surgery, it hopes to maintain or improve people’s health, wellbeing and independence. Dr Morris explained:

“Frailty is a spectrum of issues, with consequences that include reduced mobility, falls, loneliness, strain on carers, or issues related to the medications used. They can be medical, social, or physical and, as a result of the grant from FOSMH, we can deal with them in an holistic, co-ordinated manner”

The Clinic will operate once a week and patients will be reviewed by a GP, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and Social Prescriber, who will be able to identify what social support might be needed.

Dr Morris continued:

“There is good evidence that these clinics work and, indeed, the Royal College of Geriatric Medicine sees them as the gold standard way of managing frailty. We hope that benefits will include reduced hospital admissions as people are better equipped to maintain their independence, so creating less pressure on this part of the NHS. Outcomes, including patient satisfaction and quality of life scores, will be measured.”

Recognising the backing of FOSMH, Dr Morris spoke of the project’s cost:

“Bringing this professional expertise together needs finances that aren’t available in the local NHS budget. Quite simply, we wouldn’t be able to provide this clinic and its innovative and impactful services without FOSMH.”

The clinic, which started in April, is based at Millfield Surgery and is open to patients referred from there, and from Tollerton and Stillington surgeries.

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