A special end of year message from Jade Barnes, Ward Manager at St Monica’s Hospital
As 2024 draws to an end and we approach Christmas and new year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers, members and trustees of FOSMH for all the support you have offered over the past year.
Whether it has been offering advice, or proactive support, or financial support – we are eternally grateful.
We end this year with some successful projects completed with the thanks to the support we have received, the main one being the Autumn project, which, whilst it is ongoing, has also been a great asset to our unit and one we wouldn’t have been able to achieve without the support from the FOSMH.
I think Jenny and Jane deserve a special mention for all their hard work in getting volunteers back into St Monica’s – they have been such an asset to our team.
We enter 2025 with upcoming ideas and improvements and some things ongoing too, but it makes me so much more optimistic knowing we have the support we do.
So from myself, and all the staff (and patients) here at St Monica’s – thank you.
May your Christmas be filled with family time and joy, and your new year be filled with health and happiness.
Thank you, thank you and thank you again…
Jade Barnes – Ward Manager, St Monica’s Hospital
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